Scripture References:
Mark 16:15 (AMP)
“And He said to them ‘Go into all the world and preach and publish openly the good news (the Gospel) to every creature [of the whole human race].”
John 4:35b (TPT)
“As the crowds emerged from the village, Jesus said to His disciples “Why would you say ‘The harvest is another four months away?” Look at all the people coming - now is harvest time! For their hearts are like vast fields of ripened grain – ready for a spiritual harvest.”
Thank You Lord for we know the harvest is ripe and ready for harvest. Thank You that we, as the church, will reach out to bring in the lost. The church will increase and increase. We will reach into this community to bring change to this lost and dying world. Thank You that Pastor’s voice will be broadcast through every available outlet. That when his voice and message is heard it brings the anointing and the presence of God into the dark places, to cause change for the better in peoples’ lives; destroying yokes, removing burdens and being a decontamination force to those that are contaminated with sin and the spirit of the world.